About Me

Hello! I am a Software Engineer (ML/NLP) at Cresta AI. I earned my Ph.D. degree in Artificial Intelligence from the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering & Ingenuity Labs at Queen’s University in September, 2022. Prior to Queen’s, I obtained my Bachelor’s degree in the College of Computer Science from Nankai University.

My research interests lie in the area of natural language processing and deep learning. My long-term research goal is to build robust and efficient models that can understand natural language and perform reasoning.



  • Neuro-symbolic Natural Logic with Introspective Revision for Natural Language Inference
    Yufei Feng*, Xiaoyu Yang*, Xiaodan Zhu, Michael Greenspan
    TACL 2022


  • Exploring Decomposition for Table-based Fact Verification
    Xiaoyu Yang, Xiaodan Zhu
    Findings of EMNLP 2021 [paper] [code]
  • SemEval-2021 Task 4: Reading Comprehension of Abstract Meaning
    Boyuan Zheng, Xiaoyu Yang, Yu-Ping Ruan, Zhenhua Ling, Quan Liu, Si Wei, Xiaodan Zhu
    SemEval 2021 [paper] [codalab]


  • Program Enhanced Fact Verification with Verbalization and Graph Attention Network
    Xiaoyu Yang, Feng Nie, Yufei Feng, Quan Liu, Zhigang Chen, Xiaodan Zhu
    EMNLP 2020 [paper] [code]
  • SemEval-2020 Task 5: Counterfactual Recognition
    Xiaoyu Yang, Stephen Obadinma, Huasha Zhao, Qiong Zhang, Stan Matwin, Xiaodan Zhu
    SemEval 2020 [paper] [data & code] [codalab]
  • Learning to Retrieve Entity-Aware Knowledge and Generate Responses with Copy Mechanism for Task-Oriented Dialogue Systems
    Chao-Hong Tan, Xiaoyu Yang, Ziou Zheng, Tianda Li, Yufei Feng, Jia-Chen Gu, Quan Liu, Dan Liu, Zhen-Hua Ling, Xiaodan Zhu
    AAAI 2021 DSTC Workshop [paper]


  • Enhancing Unsupervised Pretraining with External Knowledge for Natural Language Inference
    Xiaoyu Yang, Xiaodan Zhu, Huasha Zhao, Qiong Zhang, Yufei Feng
    Canadian Conference on Artificial Intelligence 2019 [paper]

Preprints (ArXiv)

  • Unsupervised Pre-training with Structured Knowledge for Improving Natural Language Inference
    Xiaoyu Yang, Xiaodan Zhu, Zhan Shi, Tianda Li
    Enriched my previous paper. [paper]


  • 2023.7.05 - AI Software Engineer @ Cresta AI, Toronto, Canada
  • 2022.10.31-2023.6.30 AI Research Scientist @ LG AI Lab, Toronto, Canada
  • 2022.06-2022.08 Research Intern @ Microsoft Research, Montreal, Canada
  • 2021.06-2022.08 Research Intern @ Samsung Research, Mountain View, US
  • 2018.06-2018.08 Machine Learning Engineering Intern @ Alibaba Damo Academy, Hangzhou, China


  • 2018.09-2022.09 Doctor of Philosophy @ Queen’s University
  • 2016.09-2018.06 Master @ University of Chinese Academy of Sciences
  • 2012.09-2016.06 Bachelor @ Nankai University


  • Borealis AI Fellowship Award 2020-2021 [Borealis AI blog]
  • Vector Institute Scholarship 2018-2019 [Vector Institute blog]
  • Honorable Mention in 2015 Mathematical Contest in Modeling (MCM/ICM) [website]
  • Second-grade scholarship in Nankai University (3 consecutive academic years from 2012-2015)